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Our roadmap for april – thanks for your help

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For the last weeks you found a small form under our scrabble helper and words with friends cheat asking you about your ideas to add to our April roadmap. Despite our constant feedback form this was the first time we directly asked for your help. The respond was amazing. This article covers the most important points and our call to action.

Words With Friends word list

Some of you still had problems with missing words in Words With Friends. You find more information on this topic in our dedicated article. The main problem is that the Words With Friends word list is changing constantly. Especially the installed versions on your iPad or iPhone can have another list than your opponents. We currently updated our list to the most recent version we found. Anyway, for the reasons mentioned we are not completely able to fix this in our Words With Friends helper.

Did you know that you can suggest words to the Words With Friends word list? You can find out more about this in this article.

Extending the word generator

Information on words

There were some interesting suggestions to extend the information we provide on words. That is definitely meeting our plans and we hope to finish the first features already in April.

word search Dashboard

One user suggested to show former results. Well, this is currently limited by the space we have on the site. Anyway, since my last Words With Friends session I had the urge to often recheck former word lists from the Words With Friends cheat. So I started gathering ideas how all this information can be placed without confusion. This finally resulted in the idea of a word grabber dashboard that is now more limited by the screen of your device :). Unfortunately, it is too late to include this in the next layout changes, but made it to the roadmap for June.

Unexpected behaviour

An issue I take very serious is some misbehaviour in the page navigation. One user reported that the page forwards to the instructions after he types anything into the pattern field. I experienced  this behaviour occasionally in one of my previous word games sessions on my iPad. I wasn’t able to reproduce this problem yet, but will monitor it constantly. If you are experiencing the same problem, please leave a comment below.

So, this is it. Almost. Since we are constantly growing there will be another server change during the next weeks. Since we already have experience with this, the downtime is going to be very short.

Have a great April!


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image sources

  • roadmap: W. Broemme /