tools and articles for letters and words

Word Unscrambler

Our Word Unscrambler tool is the perfect solution to your word puzzle problem. If you are fed up with not finding answers with the other word cheats, this tool can definitely help you. Give it a shot!

up to 15 characters
up to 15 characters
last pattern

Were you enjoying your morning coffee, doing your morning brain games, and then you just suddenly encountered a hint that looks like someone typed into their keyboard while raging? What does RTTEHGNSS even mean? Why is a puzzle based on knowledge and trivia suddenly throwing gibberish at you?

No worries! Our Word Unscrambler will help you unscramble through those difficult puzzles. It is different from your other unscrambler tools as it is not bound by any rules or word lists. We make sure that any words found in a dictionary can be unscrambled by this tool. That’s how confident we are in our Word Unscrambler.

Don’t believe us? Try entering this random jumble of letters YITNUMGAENVAIIL above and see the words that come up! I bet some of the answers in there will shock you.

How does this tool work?

Using our tool is extremely simple and could be easily used through your mobile phone. We also could further refine our answers to your puzzle by using the pattern section of the tool.

To start off with using the pattern section, you could fine-tune your puzzle by these three methods below.

For example:

  • If you input ...e..., it’ll find all the words that have the letter ‘e’ in the middle.
  • If you input e......, it’ll find words that start with ‘e’.
  • If you input ......e, will find you words that end with ‘e’.

get appropriate results from our search form after entering your letters and defining a pattern
image 1: Get appropriate results from our search form after entering your letters and defining a search pattern

Alternatively, you could also use the periods to represent how long you want the word to be. If you input four periods .... into the pattern form, it’ll only return words with four letters.

Of course, you could also combine all these patterns to fine-tune your search further! This function can make a huge difference if you are stuck in a crossword puzzle and you couldn’t make sense of the hint given.

With this tool, you can now ensure that you will become the master of all word game puzzles that you will come across in your life!

History of Word Games

Lewis Carrow sitting and reading a bookimage 2: Lewis Carrow

Lewis Carroll is known for many things – most notably for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

But did you know he also invented the very first word game in history due to his love for clever word plays and mathematics?

In 1877, Lewis Carroll created something that is now known as word-ladder, known initially as work-links. Australians might know this type of word game as Step Word. The very first word puzzle was introduced in March 1879 through Vanity Fair. Yes, that very same magazine that still exists today.

While the concept was seen as simple, the difficulty of the game created a quickly wide spreading phenomenon of word games. The world loved it, and from that point on, many other word games started to appear along with Carroll’s creation.

History of the Word Unscramblers

Nowadays, cheats for games are as prevalent as the games are. No matter what game is created, cheats would immediately follow shortly. People just simply loved to win.

But it hasn’t always been this way.

When Lewis Carroll first created his word puzzle, no one was able to share tips for doing word puzzles in the way that we do now. But as word games grew into more varieties and it started to take on a similar appearance to today’s crossword puzzles, trivia and hints were included in the puzzles to make them easier for those that weren’t as interested in wordplays.

This lack of interest in being good at words means that it took a long time before people started questioning what it means to be good at word puzzles.

The first book dedicated in solving word puzzles was published in 1978. It took a whole century before we started created resources to help people with their word games!

Amazing, isn’t it? There was a time when no one shared tips or shortcuts on how to solve these word puzzles. Nowadays, tools like our word unscrambler can do what these books could do within seconds.

Could you imagine trying to create or write these word puzzles without any assistance? I certainly couldn’t!

Does Word Games Really Make You Smarter?

Did you remember when you were still in primary school and every other homework that you received came with a word search or a word puzzle? The truth is whether those word puzzles actually help make you smarter in school is a hotly debated topic.

Surprisingly enough, as much as you might have enjoyed those puzzles, did you know that some parents believe that word puzzles don’t actually help their children in becoming smarter?

While word puzzles have shown to be an excellent tool for introducing preliminary terms, it doesn’t actually make you smarter. But it does improve your deciphering and decoding skills — this extends to finding patterns among words and increasing your fluency with the language. So it could give a false pretense that you are improving your cognitive abilities.

So when should a teacher really use word puzzles in their homework?

Beyond the initial stage of learning the language and training young children in being attentive to their homework, word games might be better as a fun activity rather than a tool of education.
If your teacher gave you homework with scrambled words, don’t hesitate using our word unscrambler in helping you with it. You won’t lose any intelligence over it – the science has backed you up on it.

Now you don’t have to worry about doing your homework and still get full marks on your word puzzle homework!

Want to know more about word games?

Not only do we provide tools for helping you play word games, but we also write a lot of articles about words in general. Interested in learning more about other exciting wordplays? Check out this article about palindrome, pangrams, and many more.

Additionally, did you know there is a day dedicated to playing? World Play Day is a day devoted to using playtime to enhance a children’s education. What else is better than playing word games with your children and learning how to make words fun? Check out this article to learn more about what games you could play with your children during World Play Day!

image source:
image 1: 1337 UGC GmbH
image 2: By Reginald Southey [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons