Of course Word Chums is a word game first and foremost. But there’s a second aspect that keeps you playing: You want more gear for your Chum; funny hats and accessories that make your Chum special. So I thought, maybe I can find out what the perfect Chum outfit should be for Summer 2015. I browsed through some fashion magazines to find the right colours and styles. I also searched for the current fashion no-gos. So be prepared for some hot summer Word Chums styles!
The Best Word Chums Colors for this Season
Every season has its must-have colors! This year you need intense red, yellow, and orange tones. In contrast to these bright colors natural stone-like gray-shades are en vogue. Just add some aquamarine blue and your chart of colors is ready. So why don’t you start dressing your Chum now by giving him a new color?

The Word Chums No-Gos of Summer 2015
Before we can go on we have to face what may be some unpleasant truths: the no-gos of Summer 2015. A style that you like may be among them and it may include an accessory that you will now have to leave off. Because – I am very sorry – they are so NOT 2015!

1. The Wild Animal Look
I know this is hard, but you can’t wear your tiger leggings this summer and your Chum should not wear that purple zebra hat!
2. Don’t Overdo the Retro Look
It can be cool to combine an old hippie shirt with a pair of slim jeans – but please don’t look like a minstrel from the Middle Ages!
3. Don’t Combine Bright Colors
I know, I told you that red, orange, and yellow are trendy colors. But this summer you’d better just wear one piece in a strong color and combine it with white, black, or grey. So the conclusion is: your Chum’s rainbow wig is out of style!
4. We’re Not in Pink Fairy Wonderland!
I know that the color pink is a kind of religion for some people. But it definitely is NOT the color of this summer. So please don’t dress your Chum completely in pink.
5. Don’t Adorn Yourself with Borrowed Plumes
Be careful with the ethno look this summer. Leave your Indian hair decoration or your Hawaiian shirt at home! There are exceptions of course – you will find out later!
Dress your Word Chums Avatar in a Classic Outfit
Fortunately there are some outfits that always work! And you can find some of them in the Word Chums store too!

1. Yo Ho, Grab Yourself a Pirate’s Hat!
Pirate accessories have been cool ever since Johnny Depp mimed Jack Sparrow and you can definitely wear them in 2015.
2. The Sexy Firefighter
I don’t know why, but apparently girls love firefighters. So why not use a firefighter’s hat as a sun hat?
3. Go as a Word Chums Cowboy
The cowboy image always stays the same: He’s the cool outlaw with a horse. Plus his hat is big enough to protect the skin from sunburns. It’s just perfect for your Chum too!
4. The Gentleman Outfit
A suit, a tie, and a top hat… this is all you need for a classic dressy outfit. Everyone will recognize your Chum as a Chum of high caliber!
These Are the Word Chums Styles of Summer 2015

1. Word Chums Beach Wear
We all know that the first motto at the beach is: less is more! Chum -Guys: Just put on your maritime hat – with the trendy color aquamarine blue. Chum -Girls: Choose an uncomplicated hair style and a mussel accessory and you’re ready to go!
2. Granny Hair for Your Chum
Lady Gaga and Rihanna did it: And your fashion-conscious Chum can do it, too! Dye your Chum’s hair to give it a light granny-like tone.
3. The Military Look is Back!
This summer the military style is back on the catwalk. You can find some suitable gear in the Word Chums store to follow this 2015 trend.
4. Keep a Cool Head/Hat
Bold trendsetters can try this funny beer hat! A few people have been seen wearing such hats in New York and Berlin. Let your Chum wear the beer hat now before everyone does the same!
5. Patterns From Mexico Are a Must-Have!
As I told you above, the ethno look is out of style this summer. This is the exception: southwest style patterns from Mexico. I would guess that you’ve already seen them in the streets on airy summer dresses and shirts. You can also give your Chum this must-have look with the classic sombrero!
Need More Coins to Get Those Word Chums Styles?
Now that you know the summer trends 2015, you might want to give your Word Chums avatar a new style. If you don’t have enough coins for new gear, read my articles on how to get better at Word Chums:
Try Our Word Chums Cheat
You just can’t find the right word in your Word Chums game? Just type your letters into our Word Chums Cheat and find all the words you can create with them!
What if I Don’t Care About the Trends of the Year 2015?
Honestly: We think that you should dress your Chum the way you like and we’d love to see your own version of the Word Chums summer trends 2015! If you like, post a picture on our Facebook page!