tools and articles for letters and words

A word generator for your needs

created on by  in News
2 Comments 2

Recently we did some big changes to After we modified our layout, integrated the feature to twitter search results and programmed a mobile browser version of this website, we now want to check weather our search options fulfill your requirements.

During the last weeks we presented different kinds of word-games (part 2) to you. Some of them were quite traditional board-games, some were more modern and mainly browser games for computers or mobile phones. Maybe some changes are needed to ensure best usability of for your word game. So we would like to know which word-games you prefer.

I use while playing …


There are different ways to use our word generator. You can put it next to you on the table while playing games like Scrabble or use it during breaks in the office to practice some high value words. Therefore we are interested in your habits of using

I use …


Thank you for helping us and answering these questions. On this occasion, all people of want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful time with your family, friends and probably a nice game of Scrabble!


More like this
Two Scrabble helpers
Scrabble helper in your mobile browser online

image sources

  • word-game-poll: Owned by 1337 UGC GmbH
  • use-of-cheating-tools: Owned by 1337 UGC GmbH

2 Responses

  1. as much as i like the new scrabble helpers , is the word generator gonna be back , 8 letters is too low for the game practice i need

    • Hi Loki,
      thanks for your comment. There will be other word searches within this week and one allowing more than 9 letters. Anyway, would you share for what game or other reason you need a longer search? We’d love to extend our service and adjust to what our users need. (you can also write me an email to if you like).

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