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Win in Hangman

Hangman online

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Hangman is one of the most popular word games. When I thought about publishing my “own” word game on it was sure that hangman will be one of the first. Now, hangman really is the first game I wrote myself. I just published the game and want to use this post to tell you more about “my” version of hangman.

Hangman – a short introduction

Most of you know hangman as a pen and paper version you could play in school breaks. You just need two players, a pen and a piece of paper. One of the players is the game master and thinks about a word, tells the others the number of letters (or draws short lines for them) and paints the gallows with a hanged man for each wrong letter. The gallows is just a way to count the wrong guesses. Normally, there are about 7 or 8, depending on what you agreed.

After the game master painted the lines for the missing letters, the player tries to guess letters that might occur in the word. The game master might also give him a clue like the topic or field the word is from. For each letters that appears in the word the game master writes the letter at its position in the word. If the letter is not part of the word, an element is added to the gallows. After 8 bad guesses the gallows should be completed with the hanged man and the game is lost. The game master now solves the hangman word.

If you play hangman online or on other digital devices the computer takes the role of the game master. So you can completely concentrate to guess the right letters.

hangman words

I started my online hangman game with three word lists: There are big cities in the US, countries and fruits and vegetables. As I am quite good guessing countries, I learned a lot new other words just by testing the game. I hope you will not only enjoy the game, but also learn a lot of new things.

If you like the game, please take part in the poll. I need your feedback to find bugs or improve the game with your ideas. You find the poll and the feedback form below the hangman game. I have a bunch of other ideas myself, but more motivation to realize them if I hear from you.

Btw, the game is working on mobile devices as well.

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image sources

  • Hangman game: Owned by 1337 UGC GmbH