tools and articles for letters and words

Word Lists

Since we know you love word games and word trivia we want to provide you with word lists as a comprehensive information to be of use in intellectual conversations or playing word games. Most of these word lists where created using the word search on

Words with Friends Dictionary

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The update of Words with Friends made the game more user friendly. The dictionary enhances the gaming experience and improving the user’s vocabulary skills.

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John Chew on Strategy with Scrabble Word Lists

John Chew on Word Lists

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There are different tools and strategies professional SCRABBLE players use in the game. The most essential tools next to your SCRABBLE board are probably the different word lists, which are valid for clubs and tournaments. But how do you start to use those lists? We asked John Chew, co-president of the NASPA, who is one of the biggest names among the international Scrabble community. As a longtime organizer of club sessions and tournaments the passionate Scrabble enthusiast gave us a small insight how to approach those lists.

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Scrabble word list compilation

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Scrabble word lists help you get better in a game. Since luck is not the only aspect needed to improve vocabulary skills. Here is a selection of word lists.

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word profiles now provide more information on words

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There is more to words than just letters. We recently launched word profile pages to help you learn more about words in various word games. Read about the latest content extension in this article.

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Wordfeud Languages

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Besides Scrabble Wordfeud is probably one of the most international word games. Scrabble can be bought in more than 30 languages. Its little brother Wordfeud can be played in up to eight languages including Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish. According to the developers more language packages are in process of planning. Read on to get more detailed information on word lists and languages of Wordfeud.

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Scrabble Dictionaries

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The world’s most famous word game, Scrabble, fills millions of people with enthusiasm and joy of playing. However, sometimes it can lead to brutal family disputes, fatal break-ups, or just endless discussions. Here we want to present you some recommendable Scrabble dictionaries.

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Words With Friends word list

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Recently, we spotted a problem regarding our Words With Friends Cheat. A user wrote us that Words With Friends might sometimes decline words which were created by our word cheat. Thus, we started a poll asking you if you experience the same from time to time and did some research on this topic. Here are our […]

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Calculator words list

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The language that is developed through creating words from letters on a calculator is called Oðblgshezi. This term is composed of the 10 numbers you can punch in your calculator (1234567890) and read when you turn in upside down. On this page, we created a Calculator words list for you. Our word trivia section already […]

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Scrabble word list

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Every word game needs a clear set of rules to avoid conflicts when playing the game. Concerning this matter one special aspect has to be clarified in word games: which words are allowed to use? English speaking Scrabble countries have a long history in word list extensions, adaptions, reductions or integrations. Today there are two […]

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