tools and articles for letters and words

Answer ONE – Crossword Puzzle Solver

In dire need of gas, sayONE 3
It contains four quartersONE 3
It has no letters on a phoneONE 3
It may be more than enoughONE 3
It's better than nothingONE 3
It's heard before a liftoffONE 3
Its square root is itselfONE 3
It's the loneliest numberONE 3
Just ___ of those thingsONE 3
Last number in a countdownONE 3
Last number of a countdownONE 3
Last word of the year, oftenONE 3
Loneliest number, it's saidONE 3
Long-distance call starterONE 3
Long-distance number starterONE 3
Microphone tester's wordONE 3
Mike-testing word, oftenONE 3
Minimum attendance figureONE 3
Missing broadcast channelONE 3
Number of even prime numbersONE 3
Number of gods in monotheism with 3 letters
Number of gods in monotheismONE 3
Number on a dime's reverseONE 3
Number preceding liftoffONE 3
Number that's its own cubeONE 3
Number that's its own squareONE 3
Opposite of six, on a dieONE 3
Penultimate word in a countdownONE 3
Pepsi ___, sugar-free colaONE 3
Quindlen's "- true thing"ONE 3
Rare score on a golf holeONE 3
Sacagawea coin denominationONE 3
Sight from the cuckoo's nest?ONE 3
Smallest positive integerONE 3
Solid yellow billiard ballONE 3
Sometimes it's for the moneyONE 3
Square that's also a cubeONE 3
Start of a long distance callONE 3
Start of a long-odds phraseONE 3
Start of long-distance dialingONE 3
Sucky concert attendanceONE 3
Telephone key with no lettersONE 3
The loneliest number, in songONE 3
The loneliest number of songONE 3
The number many look out forONE 3
The square of the square of iONE 3
Top-of-the-charts numberONE 3
Top-of-the-leaderboard numberONE 3
Traditional fastball signONE 3
Twelve fifty-nine followerONE 3
Twelve fifty-nine successorONE 3

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