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Answer RESALE – Crossword Puzzle Solver

___ value (car buyer's concern)RESALE 6
eBay transaction, perhapsRESALE 6
"Previously-owned" transactionRESALE 6
Consideration in purchasing a home or carRESALE 6
Consideration in purchasing a carRESALE 6
Consideration in purchasing a homeRESALE 6
One might buy a bargain for thisRESALE 6
Value considered in purchasing a homeRESALE 6
Antique dealer's transactionRESALE 6
Antique shop transactionRESALE 6
Consignment shop transactionRESALE 6
Flea market deal, perhapsRESALE 6
Goodwill store transactionRESALE 6
Not the first transactionRESALE 6
Offloading of a purchaseRESALE 6
Part of an auctioneer's jobRESALE 6
Secondhand store transactionRESALE 6
Used-car lot transactionRESALE 6
Antique shop dealRESALE 6
Antique transactionRESALE 6
Auction, essentially with 6 letters
Auction, essentiallyRESALE 6
Auction, perhapsRESALE 6
Auction, so to speakRESALE 6
Auction transactionRESALE 6
Car lot transactionRESALE 6
Certain car dealRESALE 6
Consignee's hopeRESALE 6
Flea market dealRESALE 6
Flea market transactionRESALE 6
Junk shop transactionRESALE 6
Kind of home valueRESALE 6
Many a car transactionRESALE 6
Many a home closingRESALE 6
Many a home purchaseRESALE 6
Many a home transactionRESALE 6
Many a realty dealRESALE 6
Middleman's specialtyRESALE 6
Middleman's transactionRESALE 6
Scalper's transactionRESALE 6
Scalping, essentiallyRESALE 6
Secondhand businessRESALE 6
Second-hand dealRESALE 6
Secondhand deal, e.g.RESALE 6
Secondhand shop dealRESALE 6
Secondhand transactionRESALE 6
Subject of a closingRESALE 6
Swap shop transactionRESALE 6
Thrift-shop eventRESALE 6
Thrift shop objectiveRESALE 6
Thrift shop transactionRESALE 6

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