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Answer SLEDS – Crossword Puzzle Solver

PungsSLEDS 5
CoastsSLEDS 5
Luges?SLEDS 5
CuttersSLEDS 5
SleighsSLEDS 5
Just about the worst gifts for children born in AugustSLEDS 5
Conveyances generally only ridden downwardSLEDS 5
Vehicles suitable for this puzzle's themeSLEDS 5
Christmas gifts for kids up northSLEDS 5
Equipment used on skeleton tracksSLEDS 5
Goes down a snowy hill, in a waySLEDS 5
They can take you downhill quicklySLEDS 5
They usually have two runners onSLEDS 5
Vehicles powered by dogs or gravitySLEDS 5
Certain exercise machinesSLEDS 5
Coasters on white blanketsSLEDS 5
Descends a hill, perhapsSLEDS 5
Goes downhill fast, in a waySLEDS 5
Goes downhill in the winterSLEDS 5
Gravity-powered vehiclesSLEDS 5
Some hard-to-wrap presents with 5 letters
Some hard-to-wrap presentsSLEDS 5
They can only take you downhillSLEDS 5
They go down when it's coldSLEDS 5
They may be pulled by teamsSLEDS 5
They may fly in the winterSLEDS 5
They're dragged up hillsSLEDS 5
They're supported by runnersSLEDS 5
They're useless without runnersSLEDS 5
They usually have two runnersSLEDS 5
Transports using runnersSLEDS 5
Transports with brush bowsSLEDS 5
Transports with no wheelsSLEDS 5
Vehicles powered by gravitySLEDS 5
Vehicles with no-wheel driveSLEDS 5
Wintertime conveyances for, I guess maybe, LL Cool JSLEDS 5
Alaskan transportsSLEDS 5
Arctic transportsSLEDS 5
Boards on runnersSLEDS 5
Bobbers use themSLEDS 5
Carts on runnersSLEDS 5
Coasters for snow daysSLEDS 5
Coasters on snowSLEDS 5
Coasters with runnersSLEDS 5
Dog-race vehiclesSLEDS 5
Dogs may lead themSLEDS 5
Downhill glidersSLEDS 5
Enjoys a snowy slopeSLEDS 5
Gliders over snowSLEDS 5
Goes downhill fast?SLEDS 5
Goes downhill, in a waySLEDS 5

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