tools and articles for letters and words

Answer SHARED – Crossword Puzzle Solver

sluggishSHARED 6
PooledSHARED 6
PartookSHARED 6
Followed playgroup protocolSHARED 6
Enjoyed in commonSHARED 6
Gave some to anotherSHARED 6
Like some hard drivesSHARED 6
Was eleemosynarySHARED 6
ApportionedSHARED 6
Common to manySHARED 6
Dealt out*SHARED 6
Didn't withholdSHARED 6
Divvied upSHARED 6
Had in commonSHARED 6
Held in commonSHARED 6
ParticipatedSHARED 6
Participated inSHARED 6
Passed aroundSHARED 6
Split the takeSHARED 6
Used jointlySHARED 6
Was altruisticSHARED 6
Was generousSHARED 6
Wasn't greedySHARED 6
Wasn't selfishSHARED 6
Went DutchSHARED 6
What The Guess Who did with "The Land"SHARED 6

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