tools and articles for letters and words

Answer MUMBOJUMBO – Crossword Puzzle Solver

"Poppycock!"MUMBOJUMBO 10
Gibberish, to a jet pilot?MUMBOJUMBO 10
Meaningless talkMUMBOJUMBO 10
Psychobabble, sayMUMBOJUMBO 10
Relative of abracadabraMUMBOJUMBO 10
Unintelligible chatterMUMBOJUMBO 10
Gibberish!MUMBOJUMBO 10
Gobbledy-gookMUMBOJUMBO 10
IncantationMUMBOJUMBO 10
Occult artMUMBOJUMBO 10
Wish-washMUMBOJUMBO 10

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