tools and articles for letters and words

Answer DISCO – Crossword Puzzle Solver

1970s music genre or where to dance to itDISCO 5
1970's-80's musical crazeDISCO 5
1970s musical genreDISCO 5
1970s music genreDISCO 5
1970s music styleDISCO 5
1970's nightspotDISCO 5
'70s dance genreDISCO 5
'70s dance musicDISCO 5
'70s dance or genreDISCO 5
'70s music crazeDISCO 5
'70s music genreDISCO 5
1970s music fadDISCO 5
'70s dance clubDISCO 5
'70s dance fadDISCO 5
'70s dance hallDISCO 5
'70s "fever"DISCO 5
'70s genreDISCO 5
'70s hot spotDISCO 5
'70s "in" spotDISCO 5
70's "in" spotDISCO 5
'70s music with 5 letters
'70s musicDISCO 5
'70s music fadDISCO 5
'70s nightclubDISCO 5
"___ Duck" (#1 hit of 1976)DISCO 5
"Saturday Night Fever" dance genreDISCO 5
'Saturday Night Fever' genreDISCO 5
"Saturday Night Fever" milieuDISCO 5
"Saturday Night Fever" musicDISCO 5
"Saturday Night Fever" setDISCO 5
'Saturday Night Fever' settingDISCO 5
'Saturday Night Fever' venueDISCO 5
Grammy category whose first and last year was 1979DISCO 5
Establishment with a revolving mirrored ballDISCO 5
Place for a revolving ball, maybeDISCO 5
Genre most white people hated until "Saturday Night Fever"DISCO 5
Ballroom dance since the '70sDISCO 5
Dance club in vogue in the 70'sDISCO 5
Genre that influenced houseDISCO 5
Music associated with the '70sDISCO 5
Music to do the hustle toDISCO 5
Place for a mirrored ballDISCO 5
Travolta helped popularize itDISCO 5
Style that influenced the Scissor SistersDISCO 5
Beat-based musicDISCO 5
Bygone music genreDISCO 5
Certain dance musicDISCO 5
Club with a big ballDISCO 5
Dance spot, for shortDISCO 5
Dancing spot, for shortDISCO 5
Descendant of jazzDISCO 5

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