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Answer ADULATE – Crossword Puzzle Solver

IdolizeADULATE 7
WorshipADULATE 7
Admire to a faultADULATE 7
Admire to excessADULATE 7
Fancy to a faultADULATE 7
Flatter excessivelyADULATE 7
Flatter servilelyADULATE 7
Flatter too muchADULATE 7
Overdo the flatteryADULATE 7
Praise to the skiesADULATE 7
Put on a pedestalADULATE 7
Fall all overADULATE 7
Fawn (over)ADULATE 7
Not merely likeADULATE 7

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